QAZAQ AIR Airlines took the first place in the PR industry competition

Astana hosted the award ceremony of the competition among PR specialists, which was organised by the professional community PR room, which advocates the development of industry PR in Kazakhstan.
The competition was held among representatives of PR communities, public relations specialists, press services and PR departments of Kazakhstani companies, enterprises, Associations, public organisations, freelancers and others. There were 55 applications from the country’s largest organisations and companies, including Kazakhmys, Kazzinc, Kazatomprom, EPPF, QAZAQ AIR, as well as charitable foundations and freelancers. The jury included PR industry professionals who evaluated the works on their relevance, creativity and significance.
The competition is aimed at developing public relations in Kazakhstan and assessing the creative and imaginative potential of Kazakhstan’s public relations professionals.

“We are grateful to all our colleagues who took part in the competition. We managed to cover all sectors and many regions of Kazakhstan. Through such initiatives we share experience, ideas and competences with each other. Now in the work of PR specialists there are more and more strategic tasks, a lot of projects at the intersection of IT, GR, HR tasks. This was also evident in the applications for the contest – large-scale, creative, reflecting the country and regional agenda,” commented Ainur Dzhumadilova, Chairperson of the contest jury, Deputy Head of the Press Service of the National Bank.

The winners were:
І place Akbota Orynbaeva with the project QAZAQ AIR – “The First Domestic Female Crew”;
ІІ place Marina Shapovalova with the project “Where the Akimat is looking at”;
II place – Aida Naizabekova with the project “Indrive: horse delivery”;
IV place – Asel Kuzhakhmetova with the project “VISION ZERO SERGEK”;
V place – Alexander Likhtman with the project “Press Release Generator”.

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